Mold is part of our everyday life and yet most people actually know very little about mold, Moho Solution aims to change that one person at a time. However, mold can be confusing and the internet is a mess with conflicting messages. However, the mold inspection and remediation industry in the United States would not be more than $20 billion a year if there was not a real problem.
Moho Solution wants to help take the mystery out of mold and develop the best way to return the space to a healthy condition. This does not have to be hard; this does not have to break the bank, but it does need to be done right.
In our ongoing effort to remove the mystery from Mold we are sharing some common questions and answers.
- What is mold? Well mold is a type of fungus that has existed since the beginning of time and is crucial for the cycle of life. However, growing mold in our indoor spaces can cause untold damage to our property and our loved ones.
- How many types of mold exist?Scientist really do not know but there is general agreement that there are over 300,000 different types. We generally see less than 1,000 growing within our homes.
- How can we tell if it is mold? Trust your nose! If it smells musty like old socks, then it is more then likely mold. Unless your kids stuck some old socks in the room. However, not all molds will give off that familiar smell and then we need to rely on sight and if people are experiencing symptoms from mold sickness. The other sign is any discoloration you can see that can be any color from light green to dark black.
- What is the harm from mold? This is from 0 to 100! Everybody has the ability to tolerate different levels of toxin in their daily life, consider this to be their “bucket”. If someone has an empty bucket, then the impact may be mild to nothing while another person who has a full bucket could have serious symptoms from the same exposure.
- Can we just clean and paint over mold? This is the same as painting over an oil leak in an engine, the end result will be much worse. The water source must be fixed, and the mold must be removed, period.
- Why should I care about mold? Simple MONEY. I am sorry to be so harsh but that is the fact. Sickness costs money, we need to pay doctors, pay laboratories, miss work, strain relationships, watch our possessions destroyed and our property values go through the floor. Fixing the mold problem is ALWAYS cheaper then ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away.
- Can the mold be solved by the homeowner? Sometimes, yes. However, mold is a carcinogenic substance and disturbing the mold will cause the release of spores and potentially mycotoxins. Without the proper protective gear and isolation of the home removing the mold yourself can actually make you sicker and the problem in the space, worse.
All hope is not lost, Moho Solution is here to make this go away and to ensure your family and home are respected as we treat our own family. Make the free appointment today and learn how you can protect your family.